Minggu, 25 Desember 2011


Indonesian national philosophy of Pancasila is with the understanding that most simple to understand aspects of national life based on Pancasila, a good education one of them, This is the essence of
philosophy of education.
Relevance and tolerance in philosophy. So, most importantly how seeking an adjustment between the various different educational philosophy, according with the idea that Pancasila is the philosophy of life that is open.
The question is how far Indonesia has fulfilled the educational Pancasila philosophy these rules? According Sadulloh Uyo (2003): "The goal is to continue the education and cultural heritage historical heritage through the core of knowledge accumulated and has survived within the old. Besides being the cultural heritage, educational purposes essentialism is to prepare people for life. "When trying to look at education in Indonesia in the sense of purpose, then there are still many weaknesses here and there. In the sense of educational output. Not infrequently we hear the events that often damage the interests of either the public or the grass root at elite class. Our environment which began imitating foreign culture both in terms of behavior and lifestyle. Crime occurred everywhere as if we are only as educational institutions that legitimize someone to gain legitimacy, but not as an institution capable behavior change, as implied by the national education goals us.
Back consider our education with the philosophy of education is important, education is not just as an ivory tower, and not dreamily touched on the aspect of improvement towards a better life as philosophy of our nation. Or we will be left behind and become a nation that remains both morally and in terms of life skills that finally we obtain ranked 109th of 172 countries in UNDP's visibility in its HDI ranking (Human Development Index). Though teachers have no doubt that Indonesia again in their knowledge, why would ultimately be obtained in reality predicate such disgrace? So we're actually a clever but weak in understand the goals and targets in the delivery of science.
According to the authors, from the problem above, there are several factors why education in Indonesia is not in line between reality with the aim of education:
Theory is important in an education, because the basis of a theory and practice is also contrary practice is a manifestation of a theory, what does it mean? Balance of both is an issue big happens in our educational sphere, Indonesia. The reason is because because human beings become the subject of education is to be the values do not stop at the extent received a scholarship of teaching only. But must live the values that ultimately able to organize behavior based on education outcomes from Several years ago we had failed in the education scale macro and micro scale, look at the efforts the new order when a massive a uniform society in an effort to explore, appreciate and Pancasila practice. During approximately 20 years, known with P4 (appreciation and Implementing Education Pancasila) in entered on society, both through educational institutions and the upgrading, the upgrading? It turned out that ultimately we fail to face the economic crisis in 2007 which eventually ballooned on the multidimensional crisis, national unity broken which finally culminated in 1998 with a lot of sacrifice young people who want change. P4 can not be chain of national unity, this occurs because the theory used as the interests of immortal power and not in practice. People find being strict enough coaching on the other hand did a lot of bureaucracy misappropriation of the meaning of Pancasila.
According to Dr. Langeveld cited Gunning (1955):
"Practice without theory is for idiots and crazy people, while the theory of practice only to those geniuses. " This means that education should not be initiated by the perpetrators who did not
responsible for implementation. In this context educators and that the learner will be losers. As is the case in the Pancasila became spiritual is necessary not only because the teachers do not practice the Pancasila as appropriate.
Efforts made in each action is education sustainable. Enterprises that have been made aware of the school or institution environmental education is intertwined with another, namely environmental
community and family. Level of communication between educators with the child learners are still relatively good, but at the school level with the environment families still need to be questioned. So sometimes the family environment less attention to achieving a conscious effort has been made by
school environment. Educational institutions are not limited to a mere formality, will but need to follow up in other environments, so there is no contradiction. It is expected that there are similarities in the print and educate children.
Protégé may just explore its potential in the environment with always get guidance. While there are still a lot of understanding in society that only take place in school education. This is a perception that
finally our education is not sustainable. Therefore unsustainable inconsistencies in the educational process. So will our businesses be aware of this when we are able to understand the philosophy of education.

Human phenomena in education is as a fact and mankind as the value of humanity. Every human being has the virtue so that the educational situation has a weighting value of the individual, social and moral.
So education in a practical level is not limited to communication links two directions between educators and students, but in the sense that more in the sense that the child humanity Learners can have the awareness to the value conscious effort to educate himself. It is the duty of teachers in the repacking educational theory in a learning strategy. Creativity will be appear if the love is based on educate their students and are not limited to to carry out their profession. because depart from the human factor namely social sensitivity to educate others with moral approach. it phenomenon or phenomena is why education can not be reduced as symptoms symptoms of social or purely reciprocal communication.

Our binoculars for a moment of history, this nation live in the four eras, (1). Era colonialism colonization, (2) new order (3) the old order (4) the reform era. On each era clearly had great political turmoil and
implicated in every room. Both the economic space, education, and development. One example of when the period of colonialism is no separation between the classes indigenous and European nations. indigenous class for the commoners, and europe class designed for the Dutch nobility and the nation. Problem which is considered the simplest and cultural implications for the values
education in Indonesia until now, still a lot of understanding rich people put on a better education better than physical systems and institutions and put the poor at the institute always subsidized by the government as happened in a political conspiracy against education during colonialism.The old order and also the new order also leaves a conspiracy.
Many efforts to violations of democratic freedoms. Silencing occur here and there. There is no criticallity in the community to know about related public policy. One of them with government efforts include materials that are considered beneficial to the rulers school teaching materials. deviation history of the G 30 S / PKI, and the use of symbols Pancasila on the issue of national unity. So that educational institutions are also be a potential mouthpiece for the government in order perpetuate power.
Those are some issues that can be observed in the problematic of education Indonesia viewed from philosophy of science education. In the context of understanding the other we can not interpret the educational philosophy of education by itself, so that our national education goals as authors referred to above as ivory tower. spritualism untouched on the side. Grapple educational issues, then we should be able to dissect what his philosophy, which educational philosophy course. So down to earth and became the spirit of education in every room of this nation's life Education should be something the whole education. No other to defend human values and lead levels a better life. Far from being of interest.

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